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Every Sunday evening at 6.45 p.m. (with repeat on Monday at 7.20 p.m.), tune into Theatre in English, your weekly radio summary of news and interviews about the many English-language theatre events in our area, on Radio 74 at 88.8 FM (for complete list of frequencies, click here) The show co-ordinates news of theatre groups from the Lac Léman area and beyond, the TIE Ticket Office and the Geneva Tourist Office to bring you weekly news about productions and events - where, when, how to get tickets, auditions, schedule changes and surprise visits. You'll hear up-to-date news and behind-the-scenes interviews about - the productions and playreadings of the Geneva English Drama Society, GEDS; NEW FEATURE - ALL YOU HEARD ABOUT ON THE RADIO SHOW BUT DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO WRITE DOWN:
First of all - a little reminder of what your two local amateur societies are up to at the moment: the next GEDS production, The Woman in Black, is well into rehearsal. Performance dates are 9-13 March which means publicity has to go out soon and thus
Tuesday 10 February GEDS is calling all willing hands to the pump for the stuffing party on Tuesday 10 February at the Scout Headquarters in Rue Pre Jerome. Anyone in need of further clarification please call Mark Clayton on 022 705 10 28.
GAOS has just started rehearsing Oliver! scheduled for performance at the end of May … sounds a long way away, but it’s a demanding show so they will certainly need the time! Definitely something to look forward to … but before that:
Sunday 15 February … GAOS has it’s second Musical Evening of the season and FIRST of 2004 on Sunday 15 February. It will be at the American Church Hall in the rue du Monthoux (right by the Noga Hilton) and will start at 8 p.m. - that’s on Sunday 15 February.
Thursday 12 February The Villa Dutoit is hosting a Jazz Concert (saxophone, piano, double bass and drums) - it’s the Gilles Torrent Quartet. Entrance is 15 francs for adultes with reductions for AVS, students and children. It starts at 20.30. The Villa Dutoit is situated right by the crossroads at the top end of rue Pestalozzi, right by the Parc Trembley. The address is actually 5 ch Gilbert-Trolliet, Petit Saconnex. That’s Jazz, at the Villa Dutoit on Thursday 12 February.
11 and 12 February At the Salle des Fetes, Lignon - there are two evenings of “Jazz Nostalgie” - includes such groups as Benny’s Goodies, the Mississippi jazz Band and many others. Starts each evening at 8 p.m. Call 022 706 15 33 for further details.
And finally, for anyone going to Berne 12-14 February - The Theatre Group of the English Institute of Berne University puts on productions about once a year. This year, they are doing a special production of the V. Monologues by Eve Enzler (an award-winning play) at the Theater am Kafigturm, Berne. The production is in connection with the V-Day 2004 Worldwide College Campaign concerned with violence against women and girls. Ninety percent of the proceeds of the event will be donated to the Frauenhaus Bern. The remaining 10 percent will go to the worldwide V-Day organization which, with Amnesty International, will conduct a campaign in Juarez, Mexico.
Tickets via [email protected] or the theatre box office will be SF 25 or SF 30.
There are three addresses where you can find out about more about the campaign. These are www.vday.ch / www.vday.org and an email address - [email protected] Past and Upcoming Interviews on the Programme: Broadcast on Sunday 25 January (repeat Monday 26 January) Many listeners will know that for a year or so now, GEDS has been evolving a Youth Group within its realm of activity ... anxious to encourage young people on to the stage - and to interest them in the work to be done back stage as well. Several GEDS members are working on this activity, and we are glad to welcome TED TALBOT to the Radio 74 studio to talk to us about the progress of the GEDS Youth Group. Broadcast on Sunday 1 February (repeat Monday 2 February).Pam Scott, who has just become Librarian at The Library in English at 3 rue de Monthoux, just beside the Noga Hilton in town. Broadcast on Sunday 8 February (repeat Monday 9 February) Susan Lloyd, talking about the next GAOS Musical Evening. Visits and exhibitions:
The Library in English (ex-American Library) - in Geneva at 3 rue de Monthoux and in Coppet at 5 place de la Gare. Geneva (telephone +41 22 732 80 97) open Tuesday 12.30-17.00/Wednesday 14.00-19.00/Thursday and Friday 12.30-17.00/Saturday 10.00-16.00/Sunday 11.30-13.00. Coppet (telephone +41 22 776 85 95) open Tuesday and Wednesday 15.00-17.00/Friday 10.00-12.00/Saturday 10.00-12.00. Website www.thelibrary.ch
2. The heart of the glacier Allalin at Saas Fee in the Valais (tour of approx. 40 minutes - wear warm clothes and good shoes) - call the Office du Tourisme at Saas Fee for information - +41 27 958 18 58 (web info www.sassfee.ch and www.eispavillon.ch). 3. Also in the Valais - at Bramois, near Sion - visit the Ermitage de Longeborgne - a center for pilgrims above Bramois and inhabited for 5 centuries by the monks. The Ermitage, protruding from the rock wall, is partly built onto the caves that formed the earlier dwellings of the monks. One can visit a series of grottoes, each one turned into a pilgrims' chapel. Contact the Office du Tourisme in Sion for full details +41 27 327 77 27 (web info. www.siontourism.ch and www.abbaye-saint-benoit.ch/longeborgne). 4. Asphalt mines to be visited at Travers in Neuchatel, - call the mines direct +41 32 863 30 10 (web info. www.gout-region.ch) open May to October. Only guided tours. Warm clothing necessary. Minimum length of tour 1hour 15 minutes; 5. Also in Neuchatel , near Locle, in the region of Col-de-Roches - there are underground MILLS built in the 16th century to take advantage of the force of an underground river to work the mills. Contact the Site des Moulins +41 32 931 89 89 for opening times. No website available. All visits are guided. Length of tour approx. 45 minutes. Warm clothing necessary. 6. Visit the new Lotschberg tunnel under construction - of particular interest to children from 12 years of age, interested in large machines! Call BLS Alp Transit SA +41 33 672 76 70 and speak to Kathi Fischer to reserve (reservation obligatory) (website www.blsapltransit.ch). Open all year round. Guided visit - length approx. 2 hours 45. 7. Underground fortress of Pre-Giroud, just above Vallorbe. Built at the beginning of the Second world war it hangs over the col de Jougne, a frontier passage that would have been used in the event of any invasion at that time. Details from the Office du Tourisme in Vallorbe - +41 21 843 25 83 (web info. www.vallorbetourisme.ch) Open only at weekends in the autumn but special visits can be arranged on request. Length of visit 1 hour minimum. Warm clothing necessary. |